There has been a recent rash of vehicle breakins during events including the FFA Convention and the Nov. 1 Colts game. The good news is that IMPD has increased patrols and undercover activity and they have apprehended at least one suspect in some recent break-ins. The bad news is that we know more break-ins are likely to happen.
Please be advised that vehicle break-ins at the last Colts game targeted parking facilities north of Washington Street, most likely due to increased police presence near Lucas Oil Stadium.
As we enter the holiday season and continue with Colts and Pacers seasons, IMPD asks that you remind your customers to not leave items in plain sight in their parked cars and to increase your on-site security to watch for perpetrators. We know that larcenies from vehicles are crimes of opportunity-let's work to reduce the opportunities so we can reduce the number of crimes.